The Man Crush List Part 1

Okay, so I’ve mentioned my man crushes in several previous my various man-crushes and I thought I’d list a few, and explain why.

For those unfamiliar with the term a man crush is a largely heterosexual infatuation with another dude, I think they’ve been around for years but guys in the 60s/70s/80s might not have been comfortable using the word “crush” in relation to their musical, screen or sporting heroes. However, its 2012 and I think we’re all evolved enough to admit we have some attraction for our gender, Fearne Cotton described Lana Del Ray as her “girl crush” so I think it goes both ways, so to speak.

Ryan Reynolds

I shouldn’t like Ryan Reynolds.

The bloke is almost irritatingly good looking and built his career on playing slightly smug, loudmouthed characters. Also factor in the string of incredibly hot women he’s dated (Alanis Morissette, Scarlett Johansson, Blake Lively) and he should be insufferable, however, the dude’s got bags of charisma and been in a ton of movies I’ve really dug (Blade Trinity, Buried, Van Wilder, Smokin’ Aces, Definitely Maybe, The Amityville Horror). Dude also seems to be genuinely funny and charming in his interviews.

Man crush moment: After being the comic relief who irritates Wesley Snipes for much of Blade Trinity he’s captured by the vampires at which point he shows he’s extremely ripped, fights Triple H and keeps the quips coming- “I can tell you two things. One, your hairdo is ridiculous. Two, I ate a lot of garlic, and I just farted. Silent but deadly.”

Dean Winchester

The cooler of the Winchester brothers from the show Supernatural, Dean (played by Jensen Ackles) is a total legend. Drives a badass car, loves classic rock, cracks wise, chases women all the time and kills demons. Need I go on?

MCM: First episode onwards.

Tom Hardy

Guy’s a phenomenal actor and has this very British charm, has made a string of quality flicks (I enjoyed Rocknrolla, Bronson, Inception, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Warrior, The Dark Knight Rises) and been the best thing in some of them.

He mixes physical power with unbelievable suaveness.

Suave in Inception

Also, if a genie was handing out wishes I’d like to be as ripped as he was in Warrior.

MCM: “You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling”- As Eames in Inception Hardy holds his own in a fantastic cast and instantly becomes a firm favourite to be the next Bond.

Robert Downey Jr

Dude is seriously smooth, both on screen and off, and his Tony Stark is casting perfection. Also, has this roguish, old school charm.

MCM: The Iron Man trailer.

Jason Statham

The current king of action cinema, he makes ridiculously entertaining flicks (too many to list) and also through deadpan, minimalist performances is charismatic as hell. Would love to see him do some comedy work again, as he has a real knack for it. Just a total legend.

MCM: The Kit Kat ads? Lock, Stock…?, who knows when it started but its kept going since.

Any thoughts? You know what to do. BETEO.

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