Today’s headline: Man rides bike!

Today Bradley Wiggins became the first British rider to win the Tour de France, the world’s most famous bike race. As Britain is a country that loves sport despite being mostly useless at them this is big news.

Wiggins wins.

In fact, on the BBC evening broadcast it was the main headline.

Don’t get me wrong, its worthy of mention, the Tour is, from what I can gather, a pretty tough competition and like I said, he’s the first Brit winner ever.

Now, occasionally a sports story can crossover and become a real news story, but for the most part they should be reserved for the end of the bulletin.

I mean, was Wiggins’ win more newsworthy than the continuing fallout from the horrific events in Aurora, the escalating crisis in Syria or several other news stories?

Despite being an ex-media student I don’t fully buy that the news is there to keep us docile and blind, or scared so we toe the line. It just feels overly simplistic, and while the news can be skewed and manipulated with the internet and the numerous news outlets in the world you can usually find something close to the truth.

Also, I’m not sure the fear inducing news theory really flies, as it essentially makes everyone isolated and suspicious of everyone else. The public at large mistrust politicians and the police, and it seems to me that if those in power were using it to shape our opinions and ensure our cooperation like something out of They Live they’d probably cover up a lot more slip ups, gaffes and corruption.

But on days like today I can see that the news is a little biased and prioritizes things in bizarre ways. A cycling victory over brewing civil war, shootings and tragic accidents? Doesn’t seem right.

Any thoughts? You know what to do. BETEO.

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