Random Song: (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!) by The Beastie Boys

I'm a big rap/hip-hop fan and among my favourite artists in this genre are the Beastie Boys. From 1986 until last year's Hot Sauce Committee Part II they released a string of great albums and several awesome tracks. Coming across like the slightly offbeat, ever-so-nerdy cousin of mainstream rap. They delivered clever, witty rhymes and … Continue reading Random Song: (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!) by The Beastie Boys

Earwigs and Alabama Ticks

Its weird how much time you spend thinking about music, humming a tune, singing to yourself, wondering where some half-remembered lyric comes from. Its also weird how usually the songs that rattle around in your head are bad ones. I mean, sure now and then you'll spend a day walking round with the riff to … Continue reading Earwigs and Alabama Ticks